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I don't know if I can really call this a blog BUT I'm excited to announce the practice is growing, and this includes adding long awaited groups to the work we are doing in our community via TeleHealth. This has been a personal/business goal for some time. As this is the start of the new year, it feels that the time is right as Anam Therapy Counseling continues to expand and become the practice I envision. In that spirit, we are hiring more clinicians as the needs in our communities continues to grow. It is shaping up be a very busy 2024! So if you want to apply please reach out to me at the email address listed below or through the contact form page.

GROUP I: DBT We are starting with a focus on our teenagers, an often underserved population with a great need. Our own Georgia Gibson will be running a six week, two part DBT group for teens starting this MONDAY FEBRUARY 12th.

Group II: Anxiety Management and Mindfulness We are hoping to add an Anxiety Mgt/ Mindfulness Group in the near future so please stay tuned for that!

If you have a group you would like to participate in please feel free to reach to me. We always open to suggestions as we grow our practice and our team. I hope this is the start of a great year ahead!

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